Conservation strategy for native Andean forest species and ecosystems of the CAR Territory (Cundinamarca).
The collection of representative species of the Cundinamarca forest was prioritized for the Forest Botanical Garden because it is a department that houses great diversity in flora and fauna species.
Being located in the Colombian Andean region, its vegetation is the product of a wide variety of factors that have interacted over time, becoming recognized as part of one of the main centers of diversity in the world, with unique species not only in Colombia. but in the world. The Moors, humid mountain forests, dry tropical forests and other ecosystems in our territory also reflect the different climates that contribute to the environmental heterogeneity and biological richness that characterizes the region.
The economic and cultural development of the country has been supported by the Andean region. The high pressure of productive activities on the forests of Cundinamarca has led to high deforestation, fragmentation and degradation, causing a reduction in the services that these ecosystems provide, such as water supply, soil fertility and regulation. climate, among others.
Based on the National Collections Plan for the Botanical Gardens of Colombia (2002), and continuing with the Forest Botanical nature of the project and its acquired experience, it is proposed to classify the living collection of the Cundinamarca Forest Botanical Garden as follows:
Special species for conservation
Multipurpose forestry (timber – non-timber)
Collection of forest species from other regions of Colombia:
(Native species of Colombia - Introduced species)
Specials for
the conservation
Its purpose is to preserve populations of threatened or “rare” species that remain ex situ, supporting recovery programs and serving as a backup collection. Included in this category are species classified as “threatened” and “near threatened” according to the IUCN. Likewise, species endemic to the Andean region are included in this collection...
Within the representative species of the Cundinamarca forests, the aim is to highlight the forest nature of the Botanical Garden. Two groups are proposed within this category: Timber and non-timber.
71 native forest species were identified from the forests of Cundinamarca...
There is a high diversity and representativeness of epiphytic species in the Andean forests, including those found in the department of Cundinamarca. JBFC has the infrastructure and experience in in vitro laboratory work, which is essential for the collection and study of epiphytes...
Colombia is one of the richest countries in palms in the world. Palms grow almost throughout Colombia, from the coasts to the high mountains. This category aims to promote the propagation and silvicultural knowledge of high and low mountain palms, present in the department of Cundinamarca.
The collection aims to make visible the results obtained in production protocols and promote their multiplication to increase populations.
Other regions
In addition to the representative species of Cundinamarca, we seek to highlight potential forest species in other regions. In Colombia there are multiple and diverse ecosystems that are ideal habitats for a large number of flora species. This collection seeks to highlight those emblematic and of not only economic but ecological and cultural importance in other regions of the country.